
Our Principles

  1. Helping communities to prepare to face times of crisis, leading them step-by-step through the whole process, so that they are ready in times of need.
  2. Assisting communities in emergencies with the means that they may require, so that they can recover from crisis and get back to normal everyday life as soon as possible.
  3. Creating a network of community Crisis Management teams in different countries and regions (Core Teams), so that they may provide help and share knowledge and information between themselves.

Our Mission

  1. Creating and providing communities with the necessary know-how they need in order to prepare and create a knowledge base in the field of Crisis Management, Best Practices, Guidelines, Crisis Plan models and Crisis Center plans.
  2. Building bridges and gaining recognition with international authorities and gaining support from local authorities.
  3. Establishing the SACC World website and providing other channels and processes for effective communication during both routine and emergencies.
  4. Providing relevant financial support to the communities in need.

Our Values

  1. Readiness and Proactivity - Being ready is the key. Therefore, our goal is to assist communities in the process of preparedness, so that they are able to deal effectively in times of crisis. Our international SACC World Team is always available to help in any emergency. However, the focus of our work is mainly on local training and preparation of every individual community, as the local staff knows and understands their communities best. Experience showed us that being prepared is a crucial factor in managing crisis.
  2. Cooperation and Sharing - At SACC World we believe that preparedness is easier if you are not alone, therefore we provide you with assistance: sharing the knowledge base coming from various communities or from our team, in order to help you be better prepared. In case of emergency we are providing all communities with the relevant information so that there can be mutual world-wide cooperation.
  3. Simplicity and Professionalism - Simple solutions are usually the best. This is especially relevant for Crisis Management. However, even very simple measures should always be implemented with a professional and effective approach.Providing relevant financial support to the communities in need.
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